Our wide selection of Safety Rods (security auctions) for Glock in 9 × 21 and 9 × 19 caliber offers a high visibility safety solution for training in absolute safety .
When the auction is inserted correctly in the cartridge chamber, it eliminates any involuntary possibility caused by an incorrect or unsuccessful use of the weapon.
Clearly visible from any angle, it is ideal for training to the use of firearms, for polygon or home safety. The Safety Rods are printed in red ABS to be clearly visible, do not damage the rod, the percussor or internal mechanisms.
Our wide selection of Safety Rods (security auctions) for Glock in 9 × 21 and 9 × 19 caliber offers a high visibility safety solution for training in absolute safety .
When the auction is inserted correctly in the cartridge chamber, it eliminates any involuntary possibility caused by an incorrect or unsuccessful use of the weapon.
Clearly visible from any angle, it is ideal for training to the use of firearms, for polygon or home safety. The Safety Rods are printed in red ABS to be clearly visible, do not damage the rod, the percussor or internal mechanisms.
Thundra -
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